Here's eightyeightmph's caliper painting thread...moved from the main site (as it will posibly get lost) and i will keep it here for us mk3 ownersJust thought I'd give it a go....
First I picked up a can of Halfords finest brake caliper (HT) paint. In red of course as I'm giving my valver that Anniversary look.
Pop the car up on stands ( I did one side at a time ) & drop the wheels.
Grab yourself a nice big wire brush or an attachment for your drill & have at it with the brakes.
NOTE: You will sneeze/cough/spit black if you don't wear a face mask!

I happened to have some painters masking tape lying about but any will do. Mask off everything that you don't want to paint, valves, pipes & disks being the obvious.

It says on the can that the paint is 'touch dry' in 15-20mins. As it was flippin' cold I had to double that & at one stage resorted to placing a heater near the brakes.
Anyway, as I had done a blinding job cleaning up the calipers but had no primer I'd put a thinish first coat on.

Please excuse my naff camera phone pics. I can assures you the paint is bright red not barbie pink!
Once this was dry (both front & rear) I put the second coat on.

It started too look pretty good, after it had dried I was happy with the finish & voila.

With my filthy wheels back on I think it gave the car the 'right' look!

Thank you for your time!

88's VW Emporium!