Author Topic: HOW TO : Open a MK3 bonnet after the cable has snappped!!  (Read 25082 times)

Offline PlainGolfAdam

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So I have a MK3 golf, I'm not overly interested in modifing mine, or doing this and that to make it lower and lower so that my internals get knocked around going over speed bumps...I got a motorbike to do that one! But... I have a Golf with a snapped bonnet cable and I can't open it. I looked everywhere for a how to but couldn't find one...So I made one myself.

Firstly, there are other ways too do this, but this is just one of many, and might be the easiest without the use of ramps / getting under the car / paying someone to do it. Firstly, go to scrap yard, and get a bonnet cable, and a release mech - just incase yours is bust or your break it. It's £5 so don't be tight. Also, get a pair of boot struts and use this guide for a bit of extra glam to your Golf!

So, let's start with...

Removing the grill. You can do this by pulling the lower section out, and then wiggily the top out. Be careful not to prise to hard otherwise the clips will snap, and seeing most MK3 Golf's are 10 years+ so the plastic is old and brittle. I snapped one, not the end of the world but it p****d me off anyway! Once it is removed your front will look like this ;

Now, this is what you will see..

Now, in the next two pictures you will see what you need to do. The second bonnet release (the one you pull aside and lift the bonnet) is blocking the release mech. What you have to do is get some kind of hook. I used two small cable ties, linked them together, pulled it tight to make a hook, cut off the excess and then struggled, swore, hit it and yelled until I finally managed to hook it round, and pull it to release the bonnet. Make no mistake, easy job, but fiddly, annoying and saves you money!! So don't complain...

I've highlighted the release mech is in this photo

This is after with me pulling the bit that's in the way, out of the way. As you can see, it is a two pronged piece of metal that you can hook something round.

The top view so you can see where abouts I'm on about

If you still can't do it, STOP....your probably not smart enough to do anything under the bonnet if you can't open it, so give someone else a go!  :wink:
« Last Edit: 17 August 2017, 16:00 by PlainGolfAdam »

Offline bkjdbkjd

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Re: HOW TO : Open a MK3 bonnet after the cable has snappped!!
« Reply #1 on: 17 August 2017, 14:52 »
Hi Adam! I know this was years ago, but do you still have these images mate?? Really keen to know what you're seeing at each step. If you can link them elsewhere that would be a life-saver! Thanks in advance!

Offline PlainGolfAdam

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Re: HOW TO : Open a MK3 bonnet after the cable has snappped!!
« Reply #2 on: 17 August 2017, 15:58 »
Have managed to update the links in the original post also now.

God this is an old post!

I was also a very grumpy and sarcastic s**t 7 years ago!  :embarrassed:

Anyway, in order...

« Last Edit: 17 August 2017, 16:01 by PlainGolfAdam »

Offline bkjdbkjd

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Re: HOW TO : Open a MK3 bonnet after the cable has snappped!!
« Reply #3 on: 18 August 2017, 11:22 »
Thanks Adam! Appreciate it. My bonnet release was broken by an AA man, so i'm a grumpy sh*t at the moment too  :angry:

Offline kimza

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Re: HOW TO : Open a MK3 bonnet after the cable has snappped!!
« Reply #4 on: 28 June 2022, 12:56 »
just a quick note for anyone with this problem, once you have removed the grill all you need to do is remove the 2 10 mill bolts holding the hood release bracket, then you will have plenty of room to open the bonnet with your hands or vice grips.