My MK3 8v GTi has decided not to start after being run for anything more than 5 minutes, it fires up from cold and runs fine, (maybe a little lumpy but that's cos it needs a good service), but as soon as you turn it off (ie at the petrol station) it will not restart, I've recently replaced the MAF, and the crankcase breather, I've also checked the dreaded relay 30, which gets really hot (this doesn't seem right), at the moment I'm going by the rule that if relay 30 is anything other than stone cold, the car won't start, but this is just an educated guess, does anyone have any other ideas on what it could be? I've looked through the cutting out issues previously covered on here, but they all seem to be under different circumstances as mine doesn't actually cut out, it just won't start unless its cold. Oh and not sure if its just a quirk but if you keep turning the car over until the battery dies, it randomly opens the front windows, which will then not stay up until you put juice back into the battery!!?? Random.
Any help/advise is massively appreciated,