Right guys,
Seeing as this gets asked A LOT and i was redoing my lights anyway. I thought "I know, i'll do a guide for those b@astards on Golf GTI"
Right so first thing is first..
Things you will need (That i used)..
Flat head screwdriver
Small paint brush
Clear silicon sealant
1st step is to gently prize away the metal clips like so:

Pop the light in to the oven - preheat to 150oC leave in there for a couple of minutes till the silicon has softened and prize away glass with the screwdriver.

Once the glass has been removed you should have something like this (Please note mine have been previously modded before, hence the white!)

Remove all previous sealant:

You should then be ready to paint:

Using the small paint brush paint around the lighting area until you are happy with the finish:

Next fill in with the Silicon Sealant:

Squeeze back together wiping away any extra sealant remember too much is better then too little! place clips back on and admire your handy work!

I usually leave it a couple of days for the Sealant to fully dry and harden before putting them back on.
Hope you guys find this useful!
I can't be held responsible if you balls it up!