Author Topic: HOW TO: Change lights in dials/MFA displays & adding extra LED's - Pic Heavy  (Read 74879 times)

Offline Jimmy Filth

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dom, you sir are my hero.  Cheers for that
7R 5 door.  Limestone Grey.  19" Pretoria's, Leather, DCC, Winter pack, keyless entry, rear camera.

Offline dom

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dom, you sir are my hero.  Cheers for that

No probs, if you get stuck I also have a set like the ones in that guide. They're knackered, but I could have a play with them to see if there are any obvious mistakes that you could avoid with yours?

Offline Ferdinor

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i know this is an old post but where did you get your l.e.d's and resistor from mate? also what size resistor's did you use? cheers  :smiley:

Offline dom

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i know this is an old post but where did you get your l.e.d's and resistor from mate? also what size resistor's did you use? cheers  :smiley:

They were from eBay and came with the resistors, i'll see if I can find the spares that I got to see what the resistor was :smiley:

Offline WadGTI

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You could always use a glue gun and glue the lights to disperse the light from the LEDS :)

Offline shelaghmk3gti

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oh wow what a fab thread! x
i love the way everything in a golf pops off with a flat screwdriver lol

Offline Len

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Anybody know a cheap way to change the mileage on a different set of clocks?
Mystic Blue Mk3 16v + Black Mk5 Gti 05 plate + Peugeot 405 Mi16

Offline dom

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Anybody know a cheap way to change the mileage on a different set of clocks?

PM Kells, i'm sure he's done it :wink:

Offline trog_nfs

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Anybody know a cheap way to change the mileage on a different set of clocks?

PM Kells, i'm sure he's done it :wink:

I doubt he'd want to post how to clock mileage on a public forum  :grin:

Offline dom

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Anybody know a cheap way to change the mileage on a different set of clocks?

PM Kells, i'm sure he's done it :wink:

I doubt he'd want to post how to clock mileage on a public forum  :grin:

Hence the PM bit :wink: