you connect the white wire from your kit to the grey wire - and the white and black wire to the green wire. this is lock and unlock and i got it wrong first time so when i pressed lock the car opened and when i pressed unlock the car locked. just changed them around.
Connect the thick red wire to this connecter to the top right - this is for power 12v dc - my phone ran out of battery so i couldnt take more pics till 30 mins but after this i connected the yellow and yellow black to the same red for 12v dc - i guess you can connect srtaight to the battery but thats up to you.
you can see where i connected the thick red wire - later the yellow and yellow and black went in the same place

there is an earth connection under the steering column and there is a black wire already connected there - connect the thick black wire here - just open the nut and wrap the wire and re tighten
can see the black wire hanging down