Author Topic: Autocar: Golf GTI 8v, 16v plus VR6 Performance figures  (Read 53734 times)

Offline Wayne

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Following on from many threads, I have been up to the loft today and found my Autocar road test year books, the figures make interesting reading, the figures that Autocar record are much more accurate than manufactures figures by the way.

Model         Weight KG, Power, Torque, 0.60, 30 to 70, 30 to 50, 50 to 70, Overall Mpg
Golf GTI 8V     1060      115        127        9.8        9.5        8       10.1        28.4
Golf GTI 16V   1160      150        133        8.1        7.8       8.2      11.1        26.6
Golf VR6         1220      174       173         7.1        6.4      6.6        9.3        25.2
Hope this helps or is of interest.
« Last Edit: 18 October 2009, 15:30 by Wayne »

Offline Len

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Re: Autocar Golf GTI 8v and 16v plus VR6 figures
« Reply #1 on: 02 July 2009, 20:36 »
have to disagree with Overall mpg!
Had my car 6 years now and have never deleted the figures and my overall is 29.6mpg! :wink:
Mystic Blue Mk3 16v + Black Mk5 Gti 05 plate + Peugeot 405 Mi16

Offline Petec82

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Re: Autocar Golf GTI 8v and 16v plus VR6 figures
« Reply #2 on: 02 July 2009, 20:39 »
Yeah I get much better MPG out of my 8v than the figures quoted there!  :undecided:
Pete :smiley:

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Offline Wayne

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Re: Autocar Golf GTI 8v and 16v plus VR6 figures
« Reply #3 on: 02 July 2009, 20:41 »
Yes I know the on board computer shows better figures but have you ever worked it out, I did with my 8v and the computer was showing more.

Offline Petec82

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Re: Autocar Golf GTI 8v and 16v plus VR6 figures
« Reply #4 on: 02 July 2009, 20:45 »
Yes I know the on board computer shows better figures but have you ever worked it out, I did with my 8v and the computer was showing more.

Don't trust the little computer but I wouldn't keep my 8v if it was giving figures like that! I normally get mid 30s. Trip computer says mid 40s! Agree with the rest though!
Pete :smiley:

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Offline Len

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Re: Autocar Golf GTI 8v and 16v plus VR6 figures
« Reply #5 on: 02 July 2009, 21:00 »
Yes I have done physical checks and in general the onboard figures stack up!

In that 6 years I have done a lot of hard driving, I regularly hit the limiter. Car has been on many RR's and down the strip at Santa Pod.
Mystic Blue Mk3 16v + Black Mk5 Gti 05 plate + Peugeot 405 Mi16

Offline Mikester

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Re: Autocar Golf GTI 8v and 16v plus VR6 figures
« Reply #6 on: 02 July 2009, 22:42 »
Mpg is only relevant to the journey, and the roads, speed limits, fuel used, and the driver.

One owner to the next, cant be compared.

Offline Paul86S2

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Re: Autocar Golf GTI 8v and 16v plus VR6 figures
« Reply #7 on: 02 July 2009, 23:18 »
The figures are all good and I presume all carried out in a similar way to one another.

Weight is an important factor in any acceleration and performance test.

As Ess Three said in one of the other many threads on this subject it is cheaper and easier to get your car to handle better to make it quicker than it is to just add HP to make it quicker.

I have a lightened 16v trackcar which handles well and stops even better, but I have been beaten on a trackday by a well sorted VR6, and had a Mk2 8v trackcar with a few engine mods show a similar performance to my 16v.

On the straight at Hullavington I can reach 100mph with my wife in the passenger seat, without her I can get up to 107mph. (She weighs a tad under 9 stone)

As far as fuel economy goes - who cares - but the computer usually shows about 20 mpg after a trackday which is foot to the floor in all gears.

Outright power counts but speed out of the corners counts for a lot more on track, and the power is only good if you can get it down.

The 8v, 16v, Vr6 debate is good but it all depends on what you want your car for, how you drive it, and how well the car is sorted handling and engine wise.

Lets face it you can buy a better car straight out of the box than any of the above three, but we all love our Golfs whatever the type. I bought mine because it was cheap to buy, got a good reliability, easy to work on, easy to drive, easy to modify, spares are cheap, and my wife and daughter find it easy to drive around the track.

If I wanted to boast that my car is faster than anyone elses on the road or the track I certainly wouldn't buy any of the above Golfs.

Whatever your reason for owning a Golf whether its to drive a car you've always wanted, or whats the best you can afford for the cash, to modify looks or performance wise, or to drive as fast as you can around a track then just enjoy it for what it is and let everyone else think what they like.

The best compliment I had was at a trackday at Hullavington when two Ferrari owners said to us "you two drive that little car like a couple of b*stards"

They didn't care what it was MK1, 2 or 3, 8v, 16v, or VR6, or that their car was better and more expensive, they just knew that we were glued to their bumper and were having a bloody good time.

Keep on enjoying your cars.


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Re: Autocar Golf GTI 8v and 16v plus VR6 figures
« Reply #8 on: 02 July 2009, 23:55 »
^^^^ Well said  :smiley:

Offline admc6

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Re: Autocar Golf GTI 8v and 16v plus VR6 figures
« Reply #9 on: 03 July 2009, 08:20 »
How can i take a 16v longer to get from 30 to 50 than from 30 to 70  :huh:

Model             Weight KG,  Power,       Torque,    0.60,  30 to 70, 30 to 50, 50 to 70, Overall Mpg                        
Golf GTI 16V   1160      150        133        8.1        7.8       8.2      11.1        26.6