Author Topic: INFO Mk3 dealer fit alarm/immobiliser info... conlog and scorpion  (Read 76399 times)

Offline marky-gee

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Mark, I cannot reply to you as your email setting is "blocked". Could you email me your email address or unblock it please?

1997 GOLF GTI 2.0 (8v)

Offline marky-gee

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ok replaced the batteries, and still nothing  :cry.

i noticed a key slot on the siren under the bonnet, but i don't have the key, could this be the problem

also is there a fuse for the alarm anywhere? 

should also point out the stereo is loosing its settings,could this be related ?
« Last Edit: 09 October 2010, 16:14 by marky-gee »
1997 GOLF GTI 2.0 (8v)

Offline Chew22

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I have a logis 600, and My car keeps cutting out down the road or turns over and refuses to start completely! I read in the forums it may be the ECU imobiliser connectors! or the imobilser itself I do not have an overide key how can I obtain one or any other Ideas would be helpful!
Thank you!

I am experiencing the same problem as this.

I have both the original key fobs, is there ANY way to deactivate the immobiliser permanently, without having it ripped out?? Or is there a few simple things I can check first??

EDIT: I have a little round key that I can put into the alarm speaker under the bonnet. I think this just turns off the alarm sound off though :(
« Last Edit: 18 January 2011, 10:15 by Chew22 »

Offline TEST100

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I really wish someone would reply with answers to this i also have problems with the 918. ..........

Offline boneybradley

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I really wish someone would reply with answers to this i also have problems with the 918. ..........

I would but scorpion (or whoever owns the copyrights) have removed lots of info about the alarms!! If anyone elxe finds info/manuals etc let me know so this thread can live  :smiley:
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Offline TEST100

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Cheers anyway boneybradley.
Ive got my alarm and fob working again.but not sure wether its gona last.... :undecided:

Heres my story -

I was doin some work on the car, checking and cleaning my sunroof overflow holes/tubes.when i had finished i went unlock the car and the fob wasnt working  :cry: i opened the door with key which led to the alarm sounding.i turned the sound off via switch on black alarm box under bonnet.tryed to jump start my car which had no joy.then i located the alarm/immobilser fuse which are behind the main fuse box under steering wheel/footwell.pulled the red 1 out then replaced it after few mins.this got my fob and alarm working but with no sound,so i turned it back on at the alarm box but still no sound,all fuses seemed ok.took to my local autoelrctrics he opened the alarm resoldered some wires,drove car back work,locked it all fine then came out wen finished and fob didnt work again... :angry:.i fiddled with fuse got car started but then started car to find alarm goin off again.had auto electrics by pass immobiliser nxt day i put alarm fuse back and everything is working fine.completely shot my alarm system is a scorpion 918.i hope some of this info can help.also if anyone can shed some light on the struggle ive been through.cheerz guys and gyals

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I to have the Logic 900, and the only way I can get the car to drive is to manually put the fob into its socket under the passengers side dash board, I wouldn't mind but friends think I'm trying to touch them up LOL.

Is there anyway to set the fob so i can just use the wireless button on it?

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Offline admc6

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Re: INFO Mk3 dealer fit alarm/immobiliser info... conlog and scorpion
« Reply #27 on: 16 September 2013, 22:35 »
I to have the Logic 900, and the only way I can get the car to drive is to manually put the fob into its socket under the passengers side dash board, I wouldn't mind but friends think I'm trying to touch them up LOL.

Is there anyway to set the fob so i can just use the wireless button on it?


Does your fob work? You should have two, one with a yellow light one with a red. The red is the master.  Hold the master into the slot in glovebox (under dash) for a few seconds. Your lights (alarm/immobiliser) should both come on. As far as i know this re sets it. Then hold the slave one in.

Its been a while since i had a problem with mine so cant remember the exact order.

Offline admc6

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Re: INFO Mk3 dealer fit alarm/immobiliser info... conlog and scorpion
« Reply #28 on: 18 September 2013, 17:26 »
Logic 900 User Instructions

You should have also got an installation certificate