I take it you're living in the van, then?
Shout me if you need any nolidge about T25s. I've had a few. 
Normally with a bit more grunt than a DG though. 
Anyway - a few links you need to ruin you even more:
Bellhousings and shizzle:
The motor to go on the back of them:
And to make it stop:
Crack on.
I've been waiting for you

No, thankfully I have my house.
Nice links, however none of the above is a priority for now. In fact, this van is a loooooong way off any of that. I fear I may become a pest for you in the future but then again that's the beauty of a forum, you can ignore me whenever you wish.
DG isn't great but it's certainly not the worse. It sounds surprising healthy although it does have a fault that I need to address as soon as I have collected it.
All will become clear once it's in my possession and I start listing everything that's wrong with it.. At the moment the cons certainly outweigh the pros but right now, I don't give a ****.