Author Topic: Does ANYTHING match a GTi?  (Read 8187 times)

Offline MrWolf

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Does ANYTHING match a GTi?
« on: 07 June 2019, 14:22 »
Sadly, I may have to sell my Mark 2 run-out. It seems like a good point to let it go, as I've had strangers offering to buy it off me (maybe due to this article which describes them as super rare & quotes a price mine will never reach).

I love driving it, though, & I'm worried that nothing else will be as good, so here's my question:

What cars have any of you driven which came close to the fun & practicality of driving a Mark 1 or 2? I don't have family to transport so would be happy with a 2- or 4-seater, but I'm getting too old to get in & out of low cars. I also love the visibility of my Mark 2. I hate the modern fad for raked windscreens & tapering side windows.

Any ideas?

Offline dragonfly

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Re: Does ANYTHING match a GTi?
« Reply #1 on: 08 June 2019, 15:11 »
E30 bimmer or Peugeot 205?