Author Topic: rev counter problem  (Read 6890 times)

Offline jonesy

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rev counter problem
« on: 15 May 2003, 00:20 »
can any1 help,the rev counter on my mk 2 16v 89 golf only works when it feels like it ,i rekon it must be a lose conection somewere but i dont know were to look,also wots the red light that keeps flashing at me when driving also when it feels like it on the temperature gage.......
« Last Edit: 01 January 1970, 01:00 by 1055631600 »

Offline Rob

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Re: rev counter problem
« Reply #1 on: 21 May 2003, 17:09 »
As with the 16v mentioned i too have the same problem, mines a 1990 blue 1800 8v and my rev counter decides to work when it feels like it and when this occurs the temperture light decides to constantly flash, then suddenly counter will work light will go out out and all is fine. confused,,,,,,,, i am.
any luck with yours or soloution :-/  ?
« Last Edit: 01 January 1970, 01:00 by 1055631600 »

Offline jonesy

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Re: rev counter problem
« Reply #2 on: 25 May 2003, 20:29 »
only found out the rev counter is the black wire with red stripe through it running from the coil,might be worth just cleaning the conection
« Last Edit: 01 January 1970, 01:00 by 1055631600 »


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Re: rev counter problem
« Reply #3 on: 31 May 2003, 01:57 »
The dash in mk2 golfs do pack up it's normally the type Motometer dash as VDOs appear to be more reliable.
It's worth checking the earth on the rocker cover (I think it's on the right hand side) and giving it a clean.
Also you can try taking out the fuse in the fuse box (second from last?) for 10 to 20 seconds and then plug it back in, this sometimes fixes it.
It maybe worth checking the connection plug(s) at the bottom of the dash (can just about get to them if you take the bottom of the steering cowl off).
If all that fails and if the MFA is also not working, sounds like the dash is packing up. A pre 1990 dash can be bought for about 30 quid, but if it's a post 1990 (hazard light switch on steering column) they are a lot rarer and cost quite a bit more, it took me 6 months to find one, but e-bay is a good place to look as thats were I found mine and if you are brave could try German e-bay.
« Last Edit: 01 January 1970, 01:00 by 1055631600 »


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Re: rev counter problem
« Reply #4 on: 11 June 2003, 17:26 »

i had the same problem, I found the provblem with the connections under the stering wheel! take off the under panel and you will see a flat plug, take thatout and see if all the pins are lined up correctly and clean. That sound work, good luck,


« Last Edit: 01 January 1970, 01:00 by 1055631600 »