Author Topic: round about claim maybe going 50/50 but i was cut up.  (Read 1098 times)

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in short

i had a crash on a round about last july i was heading straight over the round about and the third party was coming from my left heading straight over

he was stopped waiting to join, when i entered the round about there was a gap that he could of made but hesitated in moving off so ended up cutting me up i beeped my horn and he sees me the heads towards my exit (his first exit) and starts to indicate right my front wheels were level with his boot as i was slowing down he turns right not giving me enough room to move or slow down in time.

the damage was to the front passenger wing and side of the bumper and the damage was to his rear driver wheel and arch.

i was told at the time (straight after the crash) when i reported it that i was not at fault.

the third party disputed liability saying that i tried over take him

then was told that it could be a 50/50

its now going to court and my solicitors are saying i should see if the third party would settle out of court with a 50/50 but after talking to my solicitor today at length she ended up saying i have to options settle out of court with a 50/50 or go to court and it still end up being 50/50 but with more of my expense (diesel + hotel and bits)

she is also saying i have a good case to put forward in court.

i don't know what to do i have no experience at this, i believe i was not at fault because i was on the round about before him he was to my left and he turned with out due care and attention.

i just feel like im been done over a bit with no options apart from getting bummed by car insurance for the next 100 yrs.

sorry for the essay i tired to keep it down.

just like to know what (if any) other options or what i can do?

can go into more detail if needed

thanks in advance