Heating/cooling not working in mk1 cabriolet.After fixing my main heater unit controller, I finally was able to test out my heating/cooling system. If became clear that my fan/blower motor was not turning on, as I could not hear the fan turning.
I used this great document to get to my fan/blower motor out of my mk1.
http://cabby-info.com/Files/ReplacingTheBlowerMotor.pdfSpec of my fan/blower motor:
vw blower fan # 171-820-015 or 021
Carbon Bushes measure 8mm x 9mm x 22mm
Now that I have the fan/blower motor out of the car, it become clear what my problem was very quickly.
As you can see one of my carbon bushes is been pushed and melted the holder itself, thus the carbon bush is not pressing up against the motor properly and thus not working.

After some research (not much found the w.w.w) I managed to find solution to my problem.
As you can see from my other thread I brought this up in
https://www.vwvortex.com/threads/blower-fan-motor-carbon-bushes-and-holder.9470480/#post-115093383 no many people have had this issue, usually they replace the whole fan/blower unit and as you can below with cost being $$$ I was not happy to spend some time to find a cheaper fix. Plus its actually harder now to find a replacement unit.

My fix:
1. I found new carbon bushes.
2. The carbon bushes holders from later blower fan motor from VW golf mk3/4 are the same setup and fit perfectly so using set from vw golf 4 gave me the holder I needed. Part # 1J1819021
3. I added disconnects on cables so it's easier to service blower motor in the future, so no more disconnecting cable from inside the car.
4. I gave the motor a really good clean too.
I ordered another later model blower fan motor as additional spares for the future.
Here is how I fixed my fan/blower motor.
Once you have the motor out of your vehicle and on a table, you can start to take apart the fan blower motor.

As I planned to add quick connects to my cables, I cut the two cables to be able to remove the cabling to one side. FYI: To replace the cable is also expensive so be careful with that.

Next up is to remove the carbon bushes holders. Both holders are held in place with springs, carefully remove these with precision pliers and not let the spring go from your pliers or it will spring out of sight into your room!
With the spring removed you can now pull the holder outwards and pull forward to remove from motor. Repeat this for both holders
Here you can see springs

Now you have carbon bushes holder on table you can see clearly the problem I have with one of my broken holders and carbon bush bent.

So with sourcing new parts from later vw mk4 fan motor, you can see below the later holders in the unit before I took them off.

Mk4 unit looks like

And now compare the original holders with carbon bushes to the ones from mk4 golf motor. The later model holders have a nice cable holder, so I plan to use both mk4 holders once cleaned up a little.

Also going to use later mk4 spring too.. My originals seen better days!

So after some cleaning up of holders, I removed the original carbon bushes from my unit compared to mk4 and placed beside the holders so you can see

Carbon bushes
Top - from mk4
Middle - from mk1
Bottom - new carbon bushes.

Made sure my original carbon bushes fitted the mk4 holder and they do - happy days!

New carbon bushes

Using the mk1 original carbon bushes as template, I used 80grit sand paper on wheel in power drill to get the shape I need

And placed into the mk4 holder

Placed the carbon bushes holder back onto the motor, with mk4 springs. Using again my pliers to pull spring from inside to the other side to secure in place and then twisted cable end with carbon bushes copper together

Now using a new cable tube, placed over and crimped to secure cables together

Repeated on the other side

At this point I wanted to check the motor worked
Click to watch the short video!
https://live.staticflickr.com/video/51166717673/12fd235b7c/1080p.mp4?s=eyJpIjo1MTE2NjcxNzY3MywiZSI6MTYyNDA4MzE0NSwicyI6IjkxNzMwYWVmOWQ2Y2M1MmEwNGY2ZjIxNTAzYTVlMjIzNjI5MzE4Y2UiLCJ2IjoxfQI then added quick connects onto the end of the cables

Now time to reinstall into the mk1 again.
Ran the cabling back through into hole and connected cable up inside

Then installed the fan blower motor

With the fan blower motor working and in the car, now time to test out my complete heating/cooling system.
Tested out the complete system on all the settings and noticed the Vacuum servo for air re circulation flap was not opening or closing, so I followed this amazing PDF -
http://www.cabby-info.com/Files/HVACTesting.pdf and everything was working just perfect until I tested the vacuum distributor and bingo we have a leak.
Part #161820293B - another expensive part, not available from VW!
So some research and looks like there is a lot of good info on vwvortex - the best thread on how this unit works was found here:
https://www.vwvortex.com/threads/vacuum-distributor-on-the-heater-controls-not-the-same-as-the-manual.2860977/So as outlined in earlier update recently waiting for parts to arrive, once they arrive I will update here with full details on fixing this part and actually test out system on all settings and then get actually get onto doing A/C servicing and coolant flush and refill.