Well managed to stay dry for most of the day for me to do some electrical work on cab.

Start out with replacing the rear window defrost connector. Compare new and old, cut the wires ready for soldering wires so everything is done right and protecting the soldering of wires.
The issue;

new connector

wires ready

loom wires ready

tools of choice to solder and heat up protection over soldering

key to make sure wires are intertwined and then add solder and after minute, put protection sleeve over and heat up for perfect finish.

all done on defrost wiring. I did add electrical tape just in front of the protection sleeves to make sure all wires are together just like OEM finish before.

Now moved onto the starter motor power cable in the engine bay. When I removed the alarm system they cut into that cable and well it was not done well so I wanted to repair it right. Here is cable pulled out and showing what was in place.

I noticed the wires was about 4-5 inches short cut to cutting and cleaning up, so add a new section to the wire, clean wires intertwined and soldering and protection sleeves add.

All the crap taken out from that single wire.

Tested the car to make sure starter kicks in and started the car

works perfect.
Now onto the rear of the car and why drivers side rear light unit is now working and replace the rear boot strut as it wasn't work.

Well after looking at both sides of the rear lights unit, it was clear the issue was just rust on all the connectors, so took out both, cleaned them up and place back (20 minutes of work later) and lights all working perfectly.. I get a feeling I am going to discover more ground issues on this cab...

Now moved back inside the car and temp installed the dashboard and most of the switches to test out work I did on cluster - happy to say clock is working and everything else works as need but with one issue. The cluster lights and some of the switches lights are not working..

So time to check the fuses and relay and grounds to figure out why cluster and some switches are not lighting up.
Well everything looks ok on fuse/relay box or is it?

Well this is not good...

and the top two relays had alot of rust too on relays and on the connectors too..

So getting the fuse/relay box out was easy but the star ground connectors are pain to get too, so I remove the lower sub-bar dashboard (that was not fun to do)

checked all the relays, cleaned up most of the connectors, but two of them are bad, so I think I will need to take them apart see if I can clean them and test them - 26 and 37 are the worst ones.

Relay 37 taken apart.

Cleaned up well and was just the pins that had rust, rest was perfectly clean inside

Relay 26 on the other hand had rust inside and I could not clean it without breaking parts and seeing as I can get a replacement for real cheap - I ordered new one

I took out the star ground x2 connectors they are so bad and had a lot of rust also on the bolt to the metal bracket, I need to order new ones and clean up the bracket too. Will show more on that on next update. I did so a quick test with ground from brown cluster cable to back of the dash metal and the cluster lights came on, so I know I have ground issues - well that is nothing new for a mk1 owner.. :banghead: