Author Topic: Ultimate Dubs 2018 - Telford International Centre 11th March  (Read 8809 times)

Offline ozzit

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Hi, It's almost upon us now, and once again I have great pleasure in inviting you to Ultimate Dubs show at
The Telford International Centre TF3 4JH - UK ‘s largest indoor VAG enthusiast’s event.   
The very best showcars from around UK & Europe will be there featuring  VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda & Porsche for you to view and enjoy.
The show date for 2018 will be on Sunday 11th March, but for those people who can’t wait till Sunday - we will be having a pre-opening at 5.30pm the Saturday Evening 10th March to let you have a quick look at what’s in store on Sunday.
The event will be supported by the best show cars, clubs and associated trade companies from Local, National and Europe locations for everyone to enjoy, with thousands of visitors from across UK, Europe and beyond – the fore-front of vehicle perfection.

Saturday Evening (10th)
Ultimate Dubs will be open to the public from 5.30pm – 9.30pm on the Saturday evening. This gives a great twist to the event with special attractions – further details will be announced shortly on the web site –  This is a great time to take those photo-snaps of the showcars.

Sunday-All day (11th)
Main Show day – with doors opening at 9am and closing around 4.30pm.
Show will be officially open to the public and various attractions & displays will be operating throughout the day.
Don’t miss our charity auction with Paul later in the afternoon where you could grab a  fantastic bargain – this supports  cancer research uk in the process - a very worthy cause.

Show & Shine (Indoor & Outdoor)
Ultimate Dubs 2018 will display well over 500 of the Best VW, Audi, Seat Skoda & Porsche show cars from across the U.K and Europe over the weekend at the Telford International Centre and whether you are into Stock, Old-Skool, Nu-Wave, Custom or Tuned Cars – there’ll be something going on to suit everyone’s taste at UD18.  
Club Displays (Indoor & Outdoor)
Over 40+ Clubs will be on display at UD over the weekend located indoor and outdoor around the perimeter of the Telford International Centre. 
Top Accessory, Parts, Tuning, Wheel, I.C.E & Styling Companies
A large variety of stands will be present at UD18 selling everything you need to keep your vehicle in tip-top condition, or on the other extreme - completely change the looks of your car. If it’s an up-grade on the audio system – go no further.  Wheels, tyres or a simple UD sticker – it’s all there….
At UD18 we will have a variety of Concours quality vehicles of various types and years. The cars on display will be dated from the early 70's up to the present day. These cars will be better presented than when they left the showroom! or go back in time and see the iconic vehicles of yester-year.

Why not visit our site-shop to purchase your UD Merchandise in advance of the show!

Ultimate Dubs Show, 83C Bowen Court, St.Asaph Business Park, St.Asaph, Denbighshire. LL17 0JE
E-mail – - Tel :- 01745 798070  -