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Golf mk8 / Re: Racingline Bonnet Strut Fitted
« Last post by Tony Jazz on 10 February 2025, 14:08 »
Much better than the standard fit. I have gradually replaced most of under bonnet items with Racing Line products. Not only for the atheistic appearance, for the better construction {billet metal} as opposed to cheap plastic. As with most items we as conscientious owners fit, its up to the individual. I know that APR produce an engine cover but I'm waiting to see if RL will before deciding. Its a shame that VW didn't at least fit a better looking cover to the Mk 8/8.5 GTI/R range as it rolls down the Wolfsburg production line.
Golf mk8 / Re: Mk8 Golf rear camera retrofi
« Last post by J3 hnn on 10 February 2025, 13:36 »**k4 watch these for wiring help and installation.

power from fuse box you can watch the end of this video if you want to try but i couldn't get the terminal through so i just used a piggy back fuse of same rating.

Golf mk8 gallery / Re: Joe’s MK8.5 Moonstone grey Clubsport
« Last post by theminty1 on 10 February 2025, 12:14 »
Congratulations. Car looks great. Wheels suit the car and a sunroof! Perfect
Golf mk8 / Re: SFD 2 - The end of retrofits and coding?
« Last post by Carlosfandango on 10 February 2025, 12:14 »
OBDeleven have made some progress with SFD2 protection unlock on some Audi models i believe.
Golf mk8 / Re: warning triangle
« Last post by Carlosfandango on 10 February 2025, 12:04 »
For all of you in the UK, found this in The Range and only£4.99 too.

I’m not sure that would fit, looks a tad too wide. The genuine ones can be bought on eBay for £10-£15,
Golf mk8 / Re: SFD 2 - The end of retrofits and coding?
« Last post by joe6 on 10 February 2025, 11:21 »
Independent body repair shops will need access to comply with EU regs but presumably under some form of agreement/licence with access to vw database. So access to sfd2 could be possible for adding accessories but not diy at present and at a cost! Wonder how closely vw will monitor this?
Golf mk8 / SFD 2 - The end of retrofits and coding?
« Last post by seanaodh on 10 February 2025, 10:57 »
I've been doing a lot of reading since ordering my MK8.5. One thing I started to look up was how OBDeleven works with the latest Golfs having found it very useful with the MK7.

It looks like the days of coding in fun things into your car is over with SFD 2. It looks like in the name of making it impossible to code out safety features and to protect from hacking, the entire car is locked down and you need VW approval to code pretty much anything.

SFD 2 in the MK8.5 is more locked down than SFD that was present in the MK8. OBDeleven and others managed to find a way around SFD, but haven't found a way to get around SFD 2 completely yet. Some stuff seems to be available, but most stuff is impossible from the looks of things.

This is really disappointing and seems to fly in the face of 'Right to Repair' which the EU is quite strong on. It also sounds like non VW shops trying to do retrofits can't do them on the latest models. Heaven forbid something breaks and you'd like to install a replacement yourself.

Does anyone on the forum have experience with SFD 2 on the MK8.5? Is the OBDeleven useless on the newer cars?

I've seen a bunch of reviewers complain about some of the safety features and how they can't be permanently disabled, and it sounds like coding won't be able to do that either in the foreseeable future.
Golf mk8 / Re: warning triangle
« Last post by MarkHowells on 10 February 2025, 09:11 »
For all of you in the UK, found this in The Range and only£4.99 too.

Golf mk8 / Re: Mk8 Golf rear camera retrofi
« Last post by fredgroves on 10 February 2025, 09:01 »
The SFD is unlocked with a one time generated code. I've no idea how obd11 frigged it because normally these come from VW's online systems. Each token has a defined validity period and I don't think obd11 shows you the token and I suspect it has be sent along with each command.

So no I don't think vcds can do what you want
Golf mk8 / Re: Mk8 Golf rear camera retrofi
« Last post by GE90 on 10 February 2025, 07:36 »
Hi not been on in a while, vcds apparently can't code them because sfd protection, so I did buy a obd11 to code it.  I ended up removing the camera as I was sent a left hand drive camera so got my Money back and I left the loom in for future fitment of the correct one. The AliExpress cameras seem to be good I have been checking eBay ect for one to pop up. I did buy a rear camera from vmodul for my Tiguan and that came with loom instructions ect
As for the grommet I would recommend trying to remove it warm ie get some heat to it like hairdryer or something to prevent breakage, I luckily had one I bought for my twiggy which was same part. I've just not got round to fitting a new camera yet but when better weather arrives it's on my list.

Thanks very much, appreciated.

Sorry, just a few more questions!

How did you remove the pins from the large gateway plug? Pin removal tool?
How should the power connect to the fuse box?
Installers are suggesting that the camera should be calibrated in addition to the coding. This can apparently be done prior to installing. Any thoughts?
Is the SFD lock something that can be removed with OBDEleven permanently, meaning that my VCDS will then work?

Thanks again.
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