Author Topic: Curious clutch problem...  (Read 2952 times)

Offline general_piffle

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Re: Curious clutch problem...
« Reply #10 on: 07 June 2011, 14:23 »
haha :D
see what they say, however bear my situation in mind as i went through the same thought pattern and my clutch was fubard thanks to the arm

I will robz! Did your clutch go long after you had the initial problem? What sort of mileage was this at? I'm really hoping it's not what happened to you as the clutch really does seem as good as gold now after driving around in stop/start London traffic for a fair while since it happened. Here's hoping!

Offline robz

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Re: Curious clutch problem...
« Reply #11 on: 07 June 2011, 15:40 »
Yeah, basically clutch went to the floor, was told check the cable, I reset it as it was great!
Drove a mile or so and pop, gone again!
Replaced the pressure plate, was great again!
Then a few months later it went again!
Replaced a whole clutch and the push rod and the release bearing, job done, not had a problem since!
The push rod had become rough an was drilling through the pressure plates :)
Mine is only 80000 miles but has bee ragged by previous owners I think as I'm currently replacing the stem seals!

Believe me its a dead ringer for you! Even says something stupid!

Offline general_piffle

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Re: Curious clutch problem...
« Reply #12 on: 08 June 2011, 15:55 »
Clutch is still fine! This is the email chain between me and Mr Clutch's Customer Complaints Dept, thought you might like to see it:

Dear Mr XXX

Thank you for your letter dated 7th June 2011.

We apologise if you feel you have, in any way, received a poor level of
service from our Wandsworth Branch. We aim to maintain a high level of
standards at all times with both our products and customer service.

We appreciate all feedback provided as our customer’s opinions allow us to
improve and progress as a company and maintain the highest standard
possible. We are not associated with any mal-practice or creative selling
and are working with trading standards on displaying our high standards and

Whilst it is hard to pass judgement on the events, we take any claims like
this very seriously. An investigation is already underway and is being
conducted by our Senior Management team, who will assess your claims in
order to ensure this remains an isolated incident.

I hope I have gone some way to allaying your concerns.

Assuring you of our best intentions at all times.

David XXX BSc Hons
Mr Clutch Customer Relations

My reply:

Dear Mr XXX,
Thank you for your reply. I take it that the results of the investigation will be shared with me once you have them? Over what sort of time-frame will this be? Thanks for taking prompt action. In these days of sharing information, recommendations, and so on digitally it's important that companies are effective in their response to examples of poor service. Never mind worse than poor service but apparently being lied to. When the Wandsworth mechanic told me that the clutch was slipping I said it can't be I've been driving the car around for months, I would have felt it. His reply was simply well it is because I've just tested it.
You know those situations in life when something doesn't 'feel' right and all your alarm bells start ringing? Well this was one of those situations. My local mechanic had nothing to gain by taking the car for a test drive and testing the clutch with me in the car and then turning around and saying it wasn't slipping and there was no need for me to do anything.
Yours sincerely,
Joel XXX

His reply:

Dear Mr XXX
Thank you for your email dated 8th June 2011.
We are always grateful for communications such as your own, as we pride ourselves on our service levels.
If our senior managers investigations prove to confirm the concerns raised by yourself then relevant action will be taken, whether that be disciplinary or removal of staff. Unfortunately due to confidentiality regarding employment I would be unable to disclose exactly what action had been taken.
Be reassured we do not tolerate incidents of poor service or any action against our companies ethics and values.
Assuring you of our best intentions at all times
David XXX  BSc Hons
Mr Clutch Customer Relations

My reply:

Dear Mr XXX,

Ah, I see. So no accountability beyond me simply taking your word at face value that 'something' will be done. Not unlike me simply being expected to take at face value the word of your mechanic when he said my clutch is slipping and needed replacing...

Yours sincerely,


Offline robz

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Re: Curious clutch problem...
« Reply #13 on: 08 June 2011, 16:01 »
Quality email skills haha
Keep it up and keep us updated!! Haha
Well done dude!

Believe me its a dead ringer for you! Even says something stupid!

Offline harlemex

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Re: Curious clutch problem...
« Reply #14 on: 08 June 2011, 20:14 »
Give em loads. I have had similar situations so I know how you feel. That classic bs line "well it is, ive just tested it".

Offline Vdub-Dj

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Re: Curious clutch problem...
« Reply #15 on: 09 June 2011, 20:37 »
Yeah be really careful of mr clutch my mate runs a garage round the corner from one near me. he is always getting work to put right what they messed up. He said they use really cheap clutches aswell in some cases he has had people come in for a new clutch after they fitted a new one 6 months ago.

Makes me sick really they are a big chain and specialise in clutch replacements and so many people have the same trouble with them!