General => Detailing => Topic started by: ub7rm on 18 April 2009, 14:21

Title: Sonus SFX1 / sfx3
Post by: ub7rm on 18 April 2009, 14:21
There are a few little scratches and blemishes that have bugged for ages and I've finally decided to something about them.

I've ordered this

to get rid of the scratches.  I've also decided to see what all the fuss about claying is and order the megs quick clay set and some collinite 467? to boot.

Plan is to wash / clay / polish and seal with the collinite.

Is this the right order?

Any one have any experience with the sfx1?  I think I only use that one on the individual scratches and then the sfx3 on the whole car?  How much time / applications does it take to get rid of a typical scratch?  Are we talking wipe on / wipe off or hours of graft?

I'm also looking to fill in some chip marks.  Will the sfx1 be good enough on its own to blend the touch up paint in or should I wet sand it first?  If so how long is it likely to take to sfx1 the wet sanding marks away?

As you can tell I'm a complete noon at this and would appreciate any pointers!
